Full List Of JAMB Recommended Textbooks For Economics To Read And Pass UTME Exam

Do you really want to pass JAMB UTME Examination on your first sitting? Have you written JAMB exam several times that you're even thinking of giving up?
If yes, then settle down and read this short article till the end, it is meant for you because in this article, you are going to find out the full list of JAMB recommended textbooks for Economics to read and pass UTME exam.

There are so many benefits of using JAMB recommended textbooks. UTME is very simple only if you can work with the JAMB syllabus (JAMB Guides). One interesting thing about this is that all this recommended textbooks are found to meet jamb examination standard.
Let's quickly look at the benefits of using jamb recommended textbooks.


3 Major Benefits Of Using JAMB Recommended Textbooks

  • All the recommended textbooks have been approved by JAMB board. So all the JAMB UTME Economics questions are being set directly from any of these textbooks.
  • You don't have to go for any order textbooks except the once recommended by the JAMB board.
  • Must you have all the recommended textbooks before you can pass jamb exam? My answer is No. Just ensure you pick one or two of this textbooks. One is good for you.  

Let us look at the full list of JAMB recommended textbooks for Economics to read and pass UTME exam

  1. Aderinto, A.A et al (1996) Economics: Exam Focus, Ibadan: University press Plc.
  2. Black, J. (1997) Oxford Dictionary of Economics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  3. Eyiyere, D.O. (1980) Economics Made Easy, benin City, Quality Publishers Ltd.
  4. Fajana, F et al (1999) Countdown to SSCE/JME Economics Ibadan: Evans.
  5. Falodun, A.B. et al (1997) Round-Up Economics, Lagos: Longman.
  6. Kountsoyiannis, A. (1979) Modern Microeconomics, London: Macmillan.
  7. Lipsey, R.G. (1997) An Introduction to Positive Economics, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  8. Samuelson, p and Nordhaus, W. (1989) Economics, singapore: McGraw-Hill.
  9. Udu E and Agu G.A. (2005) New System Economics: A Senior Secondary Course, Ibadan: Africana First Publishers Ltd.
  10. Wannacott and Wannacott (1979) Economics, New York: McGraw-Hill.
  11. Brownson-oton Richard (2010) What is Micro-Economics? Niky Printing and Publishing coy.

These are the Jamb recommended Economics textbooks to read and pass exam.

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